What Does it Mean to Be Well?

What does it mean to be well mentally and emotionally? It means being free of mental and emotional patterns that prevent you from living the way you want to live, living according to your values. Note- it does not mean being free of emotional pain. Feeling sad, anxious, lonely, angry and empty are factory-installed features for human beings. Being 'well' is a capacity to have those feelings- without being significantly thrown off your path.

What Does it Mean to Work on Your Relationship?

Thinking about doing some work on a relationship, or trying some couples counseling? In my opinion, one of the first and best things you can do is check on your relationship to pain. As in, are you willing to feel it? Because if you're in avoidance, denial, blame or other forms of resistance to pain, don't bother. You're already disqualifying yourself from getting much of anywhere but into a deeper hole.

Why Highly-Skilled, Successful People are Prone to Personal Turmoil

What is it about people in high-output roles such as ER physicians, CEOs and others in upper management, entrepreneurs, nurses and yes, busy mothers, that leads them into emotional imbalance? Consider: Competent, driven people focus on how to navigate and succeed in the external obstacle course of living, such as financial and professional achievement or the demands of raising children. They pour their hearts and minds into becoming successful. These demands leave little space for learning to manage one's own emotions and inner life.