An Alternative Addiction – Rehab

Are you looking at your relationship to substances, alcohol, electronics, food or other addictive things, and don't like what you see?

First, reassure yourself. You're not a failure or a freak. Most of us struggle with overuse, abuse or self-medicating in one way or another. It's entirely human to drift into a destructive pattern with things that change the way we feel, whether it's sugar, a relationship, Netflix, porn or alcohol.

But it's self-neglect and destructive to let these patterns continue unaddressed. Good resources exist, and non-judgmental support is available. It's a cliché but true: The first and most important (and ultimately most empowering) step is acknowledging that something is not right. Pat yourself on the back if you're taking that step.

There are a number of avenues to address destructive patterns, abuse or dependence. When there's the risk of significant biological detox symptoms, an inpatient hospital or medically-supervised rehab is recommended. But if your pattern is more habit and psychological than actual physical dependence, a counseling intensive retreat may be a good fit. Other options may include joining a 12-step recovery or other SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) group near you, which have many advantages, including the lowest cost.

The advantages of a Well Beings Retreats intensive are several.

INDIVIDUALIZED. It's a private, one-on-one experience, entirely focused on your particular strengths and vulnerabilities. It's not a cookie-cutter approach. I draw on a range of addiction recovery perspectives- from techniques based in mindfulness, yoga and holistic health to teachings of the 12-step programs, addictions-based therapy, and other frameworks. But perhaps most importantly, I bring to the table the flexibility to meet you where you are, rather than pushing a ready-made program on you. Together, we craft a set of tools that best suit who you are and what your life circumstances and patterns of dependence tell us are likely to be most effective in the real world for you.

ONE-ON-ONE ATTENTION. Most rehab programs are group-based, with some individual attention and coaching. This process provides undivided individual attention throughout each day of the retreat. You have unlimited time to ask questions, practice new skills and learn new frameworks with immediate personalized feedback. We discuss in depth the behaviors and circumstances that created the problem, and develop a detailed post-retreat action plan to help you anticipate and manage inevitable challenges once you're back at home. In some ways it's like intensive individual therapy, condensed into a short and impactful time frame. But we also add elements of mindfulness and meditation in a real-time way. The expansive time available allows a depth of practice not possible in a group or hourly meeting. You come away with significant familiarity and experience. It's part counseling intensive, part mindfulness retreat. That is a unique, and many find, uniquely impactful, way of working.

STRENGTHS-BASED. We work in a strengths-based framework that respects who you are. This process does not diagnose you with a disease, or presume to know what kind of support will work best for you. Instead of prescribing a set path, it educates you as to the available options, and helps you choose. We assess your strengths and assets, and leverage those to create the behavior changes you decide are right for you, with my input. My job is to point out what resources are available, and help you access the ones you're open to. I am there to empower you to become the best version of yourself that you want.

INTEGRATED FOLLOW-UP. Personalized post-retreat phone, Skype or in-person follow-up support is recommended and available.

PRIVACY. The discretion and privacy of a personal retreat is about as complete as possible. There is no medical record created. Your experience is entirely confidential.